
Ocer means to rise in the local Acholi language in Uganda.  This Easter season, which last from now until Pentecost, we rejoice in the light of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Won’t you help families in need this Easter season to be truly resurrected from the darkness and struggles that envelope their lives due to health care issues and poverty?  A little goes a long way as a leaven in their lives!

Small Grants, Big Impact!

Through our small grant program we bridge gaps in resources to enable local communities to grow and serve one another.  Through our program widows, orphans, disabled adults and children and the poor have access to education, health services, work opportunities, spiritual formation and Love!  We ensure projects are completed ​and former investments are not lost.  Your contribution of $50 or $100 goes a long way in Africa and Asia.  Make a donation today to encourage and inspire the next generation of youth to serve their communities.

Be Merciful, Give Today!